al-Bunyan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies <p><strong>Al-Bunyan: Interdisciplinary Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies</strong> is peer-reviewed journal published by Hellow Pustaka Publisher. The journal is aimed to publish research contributing to the development of theory, practice, and policy making in Qur'an and Hadith Studies. It therefore intends to create an interface between academic research and its practical application. The journal welcomes theoretical; technical; and applied articles that draw on all areas of Qur'an and Hadith Studies.</p> en-US (Siti Rokhmah) (Hamdan) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 06:51:22 +0000 OJS 60 The Tradition of Reading Surah Al-Rahman (Living Qur'an Study at Ma'had IDIA Putra Prenduan Sumenep) <p>The Al-Qur'a n (living Qur'an) program in Ma'had IDIA became the master of Ma'hadi, which was maintained by the Master of IDIA son. Reading the Qur'a n by the Master of the program Plus TMI and Tahfidz is not correct in a certain letter, whereas in Ma'had IDIA son su&gt;rah al-Rahma&gt;n became the ruler of Ma'hadi. Implementation of the tradition of reading Su'rah al-Rahma'n in Ma'had IDIA son Prenduan is carried out every day after the prayer of the calf at exactly 11:30 WIB. The readings of Al-Rahma n are directed directly by Mu'allim, who is followed by the whole Mahasantri, and they begin by surrendering to the masjids before entering the readings of Al-Rahman, and by reciting the Su'rah al-Rahma with tartils together. The purpose and benefit of the tradition of reading Surah al-Rahma is to build a Mahasantri custom to read Su'rah al-Rahma after performing Dzuhur's prayer, enhance the work of Sha'lih and strive to thank God SWT. And hopefully God's SWT, gets the peace of mind as an emotional psychological cure for the Mahasantri.</p> Fauzi Fathur Rosi, Zainuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Fathur Rosi, Zainuddin Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Interaction of the Holy Qur'an with the World <p>The Holy Qur'an has played a significant role in shaping human society. In a time when ignorance and superstitions prevailed, the Qur'an emerged as a beacon of knowledge, culture, and dignity. Through the teachings of the Messenger of Allah, spirituality, education, and literacy reached new heights. The depth and sophistication of the Qur'anic teachings have the ability to impress any intellect. Revealed in a society plagued by injustice, the Qur'an, as the word of the Lord of the Universe, transformed a society living in ignorance into a model for the world,. The Prophet used the Qur'an to guide people towards virtue. Historical accounts demonstrate that the Qur'an emphasizes the importance of considering the thoughts and feelings of others when engaging in preaching and outreach activities. For instance, the speech delivered by the Muslim leader Ja'far bin Abitwalib in the presence of Quraysh leaders to secure the release of Muslims who had migrated to Ethiopia accurately reflects the moral and human transformations brought about by the Prophet (PBUH) in Arabia. According to the perspective presented in the Qur'an, the fundamental worldview of humanity was cantered on 'Tawhid'. All genuine religious doctrines share commonalities. Minor variations may exist in the specifics of traditions and practices. Religions were established by imparting the essence of God, such as duality, trinity, and plurality. One of the objectives of the Qur'an is to structure human existence on a foundation of ethics, fostering harmony between human life and other forms of life.</p> Hafiz Salmanul Farizy Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Salmanul Farizy Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of the Qira'ah Mubah Method in Content on the Mubadalah.Id Website (In April 2023) <p>This research examines the relevance of Qira'ah Mubadalah's values and Kartini's thoughts in the content presented by during April 2023. The focus of the research is to understand the extent to which understanding and appreciation of Kartini's struggle is reflected in the content, as well as the influence and relevance of kartinian values in discussions and articles published on the platform. This relevance can be related to the values and perspective of Qira'ah Mub is one that has 3 indicators, namely a perspective (minzhar) that humanizes humans. Second, how to read (qira'ah) reference texts by placing men and women as subjects and complete humans. Third, the way of grouping or in Arabic terms (qa'idah) experiences, distractions, or cooperation between men and women is reflected in the word cloud and word frequency tables. This research is a type of qualitative research using text data in the media, samples and techniques for sampling news/documents (text) in the form of content on the website totaling 20 articles in the April 2023 time period. Data Sources and Data Collection Methods used are primary data collected from the website. Data is retrieved by downloading articles and saving them using pdf. And in data processing, data is processed using Nvivo software by utilizing the word cloud feature. The research results show that the content of predominantly discusses the issues of women, Kartini, figures, migrant workers, and the like. The word "woman" appeared 216 times, indicating the significance of the issue of women in the content. Therefore, this research provides insight into the potential of preaching gender equality through social media and confirms the relevance of Kartini's values in a contemporary context.</p> Iza Ma’rifah, Tantan Hermansah Copyright (c) 2024 Iza Ma’rifah, Tantan Hermansah Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Concept of Hijrah in the Al-Qur’an: Contextualization in the Millennial Era in the Ma'na-Cūm-Maghza Approach <p>In this millennial era, emigration has become a very popular religious issue. The problem with the term hijrah itself is not only misunderstood, but the term hijrah in this melennial era is also misused by several groups. This is because the term hijrah nowadays, apart from experiencing reconstruction of meaning, has also undergone commodification in terms of application. In this problem, researchers try to examine verses that explain the hijrah contained in the Qur'an using the Ma'nā-cum-Maghzā approach theory. This is because this method combines classical Islamic scholarship and modern hermeneutics which is relatively new in the academic realm. In this research, researchers will look for the relevance of the meaning of hijrah and its understanding in the present. Researchers concluded that the migration itself was carried out long before the time of Muhammad's prophethood. However, the term hijrah itself became popular among Muslims during the first migration of the Prophet Muhammad, namely from the city of Mecca to the city of Medina. The emigration of the Prophet Muhammad at that time was due to saving himself and the people from interference and pressure from infidels who rejected the teachings brought by the Prophet Muhammad at that time. During the prophetic period, researchers discovered several significance of the hijrah, namely; At first, the command to emigrate aims to save oneself, religion, and even the people from interference from infidels. Second, the command to emigrate to abandon sinful acts. Third, the command to emigrate to disseminate the teachings ordered by Allah SWT. Fourth, the command to help people who emigrate. Fifth, the value of hijrah contains a serious message. In the current era, researchers explain that the significance and relevance of hijrah in the current context (Maghza Al-Ayah) is: First, to improve oneself for the better, by abandoning sins or actions that are prohibited by religion. Second, to help each other in good things. Third, be serious about doing a good deed.</p> <p> </p> Nur Habib Musthofa Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Habib Musthofa Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Theistic Democracy Studies Hadith Analysis Deliberations in Contemporary Islamic Political Ethics <p>Islam is a religion that exists as a religion today, where many universal questions are discussed, one of the main topics of today's big questions is democracy in politics. Although Islam talks about democracy, ironically, Islam itself does not specifically mention the ideal form of a political system. In this context, the discussion about the ideal political formula becomes clearly important among Muslims in modern times, especially against the backdrop of Western civilization which can be said to have destroyed Muslims with its culture. In the midst of this chaotic situation, contemporary Muslim intellectuals present as Muslim thinkers who seek to present the "ideal" concept of modern Islamic politics. In this study, the author tries to emphasize that the substantive principles of Islam must be applied in the country's political system, in this case theistic democracy exists as a legacy from the problematic modern state. Democracy, or deliberation in Islamic nomenclature, is one of the ethical values ​​of constitutional politics in current political life.</p> Mahasin Haikal Amanullah, Muhammad Adip Fanani Copyright (c) 2024 Mahasin Haikal Amanullah, Muhammad Adip Fanani Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Zakat Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Dalam Perspektif Surah At-Taubah Ayat 60 <p>This research is motivated by the most common problem in Indonesia, namely poverty, poverty occurs due to unequal income and lack of effectiveness in the field of management and fund management. The purpose of formal zakat management is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of zakat administration and increase the benefits generated from zakat to improve community welfare and poverty prevention. Analysis of Qur'anic verses, search of related literature, and data collection from respondents representing various layers of Islamic society are qualitative research methods. Zakat can be given to eight groups, according to surah At-Taubah verse 60. The groups entitled to receive zakat include amil (people who take care of zakat), muallaf (people who have just converted to Islam and need help to adjust to their new circumstances), slave (newly freed slaves), Gharim (people who owe money for lawful needs but are unable to pay it), and Fisabilillah (people who fight in the way of Allah). Ibnu sabil are those who run out of money to travel for purposes such as da'wah and others.</p> Nur Hasan, Muhammad Bintang, Ahmad saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hasan, Muhammad Bintang, Ahmad saputra Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000